Çerez Örnek

Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering was established in 1994 under the Faculty of Engineering. In our department, education and research is carried out in 6 divisions at the undergraduate, graduate and doctoral levels. These divisions are:

  • Electronics
  • Electrical Installations
  • Electrical Machinery
  • Telecommunications
  • Electromagnetic Fields and Microwave Technique
  • Circuits and Systems

Mission of the Department

To educate graduates who can be successful at international level. To carry out development projects and scientific research in accordance with the needs of the country. To produce science and technologies that will contribute to the power of the state and the nation.

Vision of the Department

To be accredited internaitonally.

Program Education Objectives

By undergoing an application oriented undergraduate education in electrical and electronics engineering with sufficient depth and breadth based on solid understanding of physics and math:

  • In the first year of graduation, they can find jobs that are compatible with their professions in national and international levels.
  • They can make significant contributions in industry, research and development organizations or universities.
  • With the scientific, social and professional knowledge and skills gained, they can develop themselves in new and different fields and stand out in their professions.

Student Societies

Our students develop practical and communication skills within robotics, FPGA, biomedical, communication, photonics, power and energy student communities. IEEE and EMO-YOUNG student branches organize various activities.


Job Opportunities

Graduates of the Electronic-Electronics Engineering Program are employed in research, development, production and marketing units in the electrical, electronic and communication sectors, national and multinational companies, radio and TV broadcasting organizations, internet services related organizations and health sector. Many of them do postgraduate research in reputable universities. Currently, many of our graduates are working in companies such as Vestel Electronics, Türk Telekom, Turkcell, Aria, Ericsson Turkey, Teba, Philips, Tubitak, TAI, Aselsan and Beko, and in universities and research centers around the world.

Introduction of Electric and Electronic Engineering Profession

Electrical and Electronics Engineering has targeted three of the priority areas determined by TUBITAK and the State Planning Organization for the technological and scientific development of our country. One of them is communication and information communication technologies. In this direction, courses on electronics, opto and magneto-electronic and optical communication, data communication, computer networks are taught, researches are done and overseas connections are established. The second targeted area is signal processing, artificial intelligence (fuzzy logic, artificial neural networks), embedded systems and biomedical engineering. The third area is the design of systems that provide the generation, distribution and use of electrical energy. For this purpose, courses on renewable energy, electrical machinery, automatic control and power electronics are taught and research is carried out in this field.

Research Infrastructure (Laboratories)

In our department, Circuit Analysis, Electronics, Digital Systems, Biomedical and Signal Processing, Electrical Machines, Computer Laboratory, Power Electronics and Microprocessor laboratories are available for the use of undergraduate students. In addition, there are Magneto-Optic Laboratory, Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology Laboratory, Photonic Laboratory, Embedded Systems Laboratory, Wireless Communication and Design Laboratories for use in researches carried out at graduate level (master and doctorate).

The Department's web page is available at http://electronics.ege.edu.tr.


Ege Üniversitesi